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Meetings and Socials
2004: Sep16   Nov03   Nov06  
2005: Feb11   Mar03   Apr08   May16   Nov03   Nov10  
2006: Mar18   Mar25   Apr22   May27   Jun24   Jul22   Aug26   Sep23   Oct28   Nov25  
Meeting and Potluck Social

A meeting and potluck social will be held on Saturday, March 25th 2006. The social will be at 7pm. We will have a Punch and Judy show, a discussion of it's history, and activities for the kids. This is a potluck, so please bring any dish you want. We will have paper plates, cups, and plasticware but bring your own serving utensils. Kitchen facilities are available. A half hour earlier, at 6:30pm will be a meeting to discuss UBIA 2006 activities.

Reid School
2965 East 3435 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109

If you have any questions, please contact a board member.

Meeting and Potluck Social Held March 25th

We had a wonderful time at the Potluck Social on March 25th. The history of Punch and Judy was excellent, and the performance was entertaining for adults and children alike. Many thanks to everyone who brought dishes for the potluck, it worked out very well and everything was delicious.

Many thanks to Caol and Thomas for the Punch and Judy show. Professor Caol made all the puppets used and she and her husband made the stand as well.

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